The Worlds FREE Classified Ad Website

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Use of the Local Marketplace – Listing, Browsing, and Account Creation, is entirely FREE.

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Easy to use communication features to contact sellers and listing owners.

Local Classified Ad System

Search anywhere anytime with our Buy Sale Trade near me system! Full featured location based search function to find listings near you.

Find & List Almost Anything

From cars to clothes you can report lost dogs or cleaning services, you name it and you can find it all on The Matrix Marketplace.

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As The Matrix Marketplace grows, so will the views of your listings. Be part of the Matrix Marketplace today and list away!

The All In One Free Listing Marketplace, Classified Ads & Local Buy Sell Trade Platform

The Matrix Marketplace Was Built For Convenience & Utility

The idea behind The Matrix Marketplace was to put just about EVERYTHING & ANYTHING all in ONE PLACE. No more sifting through multiple platforms and websites to find what your looking for, or having to create multiple listings over and over again! If you’ve ever wondered “Where To Post Free Classified Ads?” you have found the place!

The Local Matrix Marketplace utilizes a single database and user interface for listings, meaning there are NO groups to request entry to or random individual people (known as admins) deciding on whether or not they will allow your post. This leads to an unbiased review process and no restrictions to viewing listings from around the world.

Make Money Selling & Helping Others

Get Paid To Complete Tasks & Gigs, Claim Rewards For Finding Lost & Stolen Items or Pets, Provide Your Services & Sell Your Items… All For FREE On The Matrix Marketplace!

Lost And Found, Stolen Or Missing Items & More!

The Matrix Marketplace Includes A FREE Location Based Lost & Found System. You can easily report lost phones to lost and found dogs, lost cats, missing keys, stolen cars, found wallets and even missing people!
You can also offer optional Rewards for those who help you find what has been lost found or stolen!

Get Help With Your Task Or Gig When You Need It

Get help with your next project or task at home. From handyman work and gardening to moving, building, shopping, cleaning, yardwork, and more. 
Post a listing of your task or gig for FREE and connect with someone to give you a helping hand.
List Gigs & Tasks - Earn Money For Doings Gigs & Tasks

Buy Sell And Trade Almost Anything Around The World For FREE

  • Real Estate

    Houses, Condos, Apartments, Retail Spaces, Land, For Rent Classified Ads & More

  • Vehicles

    Car Buy Sell Trade, Trucks, Boats, RV's, UTV's, Jet Skis, Motorcycles, Semi-Trucks, Mopeds, Parts & More

  • Electronics

    Phones, Tablets, Computers, Parts, TV's, Cameras, Drones & More

  • Food

    Farmers Market, Fruit, Vegetables, Produce, Organic, Locally Grown, Meat, Dairy, Misfit/Imperfect, Wholesale, Leftover & More

  • Services

    Landscaping, Realty, Cleaning, Lessons, Education, Daycare, Catering, Photography & More

  • Lost & Found

    Stolen Items, Phones, Wallets, Purses, Bags, Sunglasses, Bicycles, Vehicles & More

  • Events

    Craft Shows, Wine Tastings, Block Party's, Festivals, Concerts & More

  • Tools

    Power Tools, Equipment, Wrenches, Garden, Hand tools, Fasteners & More

  • Pets

    Classified Ads For Dogs, Cats, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Animals + Pet Supplies, Missing/Found Pets & More

  • Furniture

    Couches, Lamps, Fans, Tables, Beds, Chairs & More

  • Appliances

    Washing Machines, Refrigerators, Blenders, Vacuum's, Dryers, Stoves, Ovens & More

  • Missing People

    AN Incredibly Useful Way To Report Missing Adults & Children, Spread Awareness & Offer Rewards For The Help Of Finding/Locating Others


Classified Ads & Local Listings In 69 Countries Around The World

Classified Ads & Local Listings In The United States, Australia, Canada, Africa, United Kingdom, Japan, The Netherlands & More!

YES! It is 100% FREE to use! No Catch, No Hidden Fees, No Signup Costs, No Monthly Subscriptions, No Membership Fees, Etc….. It’s as FREE as it gets!
You don’t have to sign up to create listings as a guest or to browse The Matrix Marketplace. But Sign Up is FREE and will give you access to the profile & listing dashboard which gives you control and insight into your listings or items of interest.
You can list just about ANYTHING & EVERYTHING! We do have a policy against Drugs/Alcohol/Illegal Items/Spam/Explicit/Vulgar Content/Firearms or Malicious Content. 
Every listing goes through a manual review process before being published on the marketplace.
The Matrix Marketplace is a Free To Use Marketplace, Classified Ad, and Local Listing Style Platform. It’s a One Stop place to post and find Items, Services, Experiences, People, Pets & More!

Visit Today!


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